What are you going to be when WE grow up?
People are always asking children what they want to be when they grow up.
As representatives in Higher Education, shouldn't we be focused on who WE will be when they grow up? We need to position ourselves and our institutions to be ready to serve their educational needs when they come of age and begin applying to college.
Our Future
Beginning in 2020, FundFive will commit a portion of every new sale to the Our Future campaign.
FundFive will work with the college administration of each institution that partners with us to establish a scholarship on their campus as a resource for local applicants whose aim is to enact positive impact on their communities.
We believe that education starts at home, and dedicating resources locally is one way that FundFive can pledge to see this goal become a reality for students in need.
Our 2019 holiday greeting card featured original artwork by Lillian D, age 8
We’ve connected over the years with leaders in higher education across the country, many of whom are helping shape education policy and bring about positive change on their campus.
We encourage you to tell us about the changes you feel are necessary in higher education, and we’ll help connect you to the resources in your community to help initiate change.
Let’s work on this together!